Tuesday, July 30, 2013

New adventures with help from the sea.

Hello fellow foodies and food lovers, I always say pay with your food get in the kitchen and try new things have fun.  Today's post is about doing just that trying something new!  Is there that one thing when ever you go out to a restaurant you order every time, because for what one reason or another you never make it at home ?  We all do so the other night when trying to decide what to make for dinner I thought why not try something I have never done yet love?  Crab cakes are something I love and always order when I go out.  Never tried making them at home not because crab cakes are hard to make, but because when you work with seafood you really want to ensure your working with the freshest product you can get.  That is hard when you live so far from the fresh saltiness of the sea.  Now that the freshness is just a call away I figured it was the perfect time to embark on and never tried adventure.

Crab cakes can take on many different flavors seems like almost every cuisine out there has their own variation on the good old cake.  Staying simple and close to the sea is the way I like in a crab cake, because the carb has such sweet soft delicate flavor.  No matter what flavors you like to use to enhance the crab I like a nice crispy texture on the outside and a moist soft texture on the inside and most important the flavor and texture of the crab.  You want to know and taste what you biting into! Below is a list of what i put in my first ever crab cake.

Crab cakes

1/3 cup dry bread crumbs ( I use Japanese bread crumbs )
1/4 green bell pepper small dice 
1/4 red bell pepper small dice
2 green onions thinly sliced 
parsley (as much as desired)
1/2 teaspoon hot sauce 
1 egg white 
2 tablespoons mayo 
1 tablespoon lemon juice 
2 teaspoons dijon mustard
1/4 teaspoon old bay seasoning 
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
1lb lump crab meat 

Mix everything together minus the crab to well combined then once you have everything mixed together gently fold in the crab.  Be careful you don't want to break up the crab to much it is called lump crab meat and you want those lumps of yumminess!  Form into patties I put them into the freezer before pan frying for I find they keep there form batter. Once the crab cakes the firmed up a bit pan fry and enjoy with a little tartar sauce and some nice asparagus.

Remember food is fun so play with your food and don't be afraid to try new things you may love them and if not you tried and had fun right? Until next time my fellow foodies and food lovers.

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